Old Aluminium Sliding Door Repairs

Aluminium sliding patio doors

Most old-style aluminium sliding doors rely upon steel or acrylic rollers based at the bottom of the door holding the weight of the whole sliding door. These rollers sit on a raised track housed within the lower aluminium door panel. The roller wheels are curved at the cross-section to sit and curve around the line of the track. This system helps keep the actual wheels on the track combined with the weight of the door which then keep the wheels gripped to the track without sliding off.

aluminium Sliding Patio Door Repairs  aluminium Sliding Patio Door Repairs 2

Rollers for Sliding DoorsWhen replacing the patio door wheels the aluminium panel at the base needs to be separated from the other panels. There is always a big risk doing this as the panels are held to the glass with only a rubber gasket as a partition. There is always a risk of glass being shattered when the bottom panel is removed or put back on. So this is the most delicate part of the operation.




Tips for keeping your sliding aluminium door work smoothly

Aluminium sliding patio doors are continually exposed to the harsh British weather. Although they are made to withstand this it is always wise to keep the doors maintained.

Keeping Roller Tracks Clean

Rain, dirt and leaves will overtime find their way into the tracks at the bottom of the door. As time goes on pulling the doors back and forth over the tracks allows the dirt from the tracks to get into the wheels that supports the door. It is advisable to clean the track with a hand brush at least every other month. Especially during the winter months. This helps maintain the wheels by preventing that getting trapped and eventually jamming them.